How can services be made better ?
An event to influence the well-being of young people living with mental health disorders in Newham will be held at Stratford Circus later this month.
Wider impact
Statistics show that there are currently 1 in 4 people, in the UK, living with a mental health condition, with the most common disorders identified as mixed anxiety and depression.
Additionally, women are more likely to be treated for mental health issues, than men, due to the realities of embarrassment, denial and fear that accompany the mental health disorders.
The event
The London Borough of Newham and the Social Care Commission have collaborated with Right Here Newham and Newham Link to bring you ‘Pathway to well-being’.
The event aims to allow young people to participate in a discussion about mental health disorders, where they will identify the problems and benefits, in addition to ways in which the mental health services can be more supportive and user friendly to service users aged of 16 – 24.
The event will take place on Tuesday 22nd January from 6.30 pm – 9 pm.
Light refreshment will also be provided on the night.
Spaces are limited so in order to reserve you seat, call Patrick via 0208 471 1749.