Thanks to the SOAS Decolonising initiative, Rianna had the pleasure of speaking with Black Women about her prospective qualitative study “We Exist Too”, over two weekends in September. Although she did not receive funding, she was given space and refreshments to accommodate black women to help feed into the design of her study.

The lived experience of Black Women

Here Rianna spoke with young black women about the logistics of rolling out the “We Exist Too” study where she intends to collect qualitative data on the lived experience on black women’s sexual health attitudes and behaviour,

Here is a short promotional video about her work to date and future.

You can find out more about We Exist Too via our CAUSES page.

Here are some pictures of the focus group.

About Shine Aloud

We are a youth led social enterprise that aims to provide creative solutions to address sexual health inequalities among marginalised groups!